M.A.S.K. fans,
We've been counting down for months to the new DVD release of the M.A.S.K. cartoon series. Our wait is finally over. Now it's time to spread the word!

M.A.S.K. the complete series is now available! This 12 disc collection was produced specifically for North America in the Region 1 DVD format by Shout!Factory. The boxed set includes all the original episodes (None the racing series) plus two new bonus featurettes:
- Unmasking M.A.S.K., a retrospective interview with show writers
- Saturday Morning Krusaders, an entertaining look back with loyal fans. (Clip Below)
I've heard many M.A.S.K. fans have asked "
why is this such a big deal? I already own a copy." Yes, there were previous releases in the UK and other countries, with some even converted (perhaps bootlegged) to the Region 1 format. But this new release by Shout!Factory is the first legitimate collection to be offered to the USA & Canada and breathes new life into the franchise. This realease is obviously also very important to us and our cause of bringing M.A.S.K. back as a live action movie! We hope the new DVD boxed set will not just peak the interest of past and present fans, but also tv & film producers to reboot this classic show in some form or another.
We'd like to take a minute to thank those who have contributed by promoting M.A.S.K.'s release. Our many thanks to Brian Truitt for publishing a great article on
USAToday.Com about the DVD release. (Brian even contacted us for our perspective, but unfortunately were unable to get our thoughts to him before the article deadline.) We would also like to thank
UnderScoopFire.Com and
StarJoes for making M.A.S.K. part of recent topics on their podcasts. Many other sites have contributed to hyping M.A.S.K. over the past few weeks with articles, updates, and DVD reviews including
ToonZone.Net ,
AMNewYork.Com ,
Wired.Com ,
AnimationInsider.Net ,
TVOvermind ,
ComicMix.Com ,
DVDTalk.com ,
ComingSoon.Net ,
ComicBookBin.Com , and more! (Sorry if we missed your site!)
Join us in spreading the word that M.A.S.K. is back! Share it with your friends or kids this week and tell them about your favorite episode, toy, or comic. Let's keep M.A.S.K. trending!! As always, many thanks to our M.A.S.K. movie fans who have been following our progress. Be looking for some new blogposts in August as we continue to reveal layers of our script and vision for a M.A.S.K. movie!