Weaselly, Scrawny, Deceptive, Goon, Genius....
...all words you could use to describe Nash Gorey in the M.A.S.K. cartoon series.
Nash wasn't introduced until series episode 47 and actually only appeared in 8 episodes. His role was simple as the resident computer geek for V.E.N.O.M. and a Miles Mayhem wannabe. Even though he was not widely used in the series, WB and I felt Nash was a perfect fit for what we were looking for in our script.
Back in January, we posted our
agent list and you'll notice he wasn't included. But in March as we were going over the script, we decided there was a technology gap and we needed another character that could help with development of the V.E.N.O.M masks/vehicles. Nash Gorey was a natural fit and we decided to introduce him as sort of a counter role to Alex Sector. Although the role is small, we anticipate using Nash more if we should get the opportunity to write a sequel to our film.
The addition of Nash Gorey will complete the V.E.N.O.M. agent list for our script. No additions were made on the M.A.S.K. side and our posted agent list is correct. Don't forget that we did reveal back in March that
Scott & T-Bob are included, but for obvious reasons we didn't include them in the agent list. Feel free to leave a comment here or on Facebook about the addition of Nash and who might be a good actor to play him in the film.